AMD Generations - Logic Chip to the K5 - Advanced Micro Devices, 9312, 2901, 9080


Availability: 1 in stock

About this Artwork 

This is a mixed media artwork exhibiting AMD microprocessors which represent the first twelve processors made by AMD (actually the 9300 is a logic chip is not a processor, but ti was AMD's first product). The artwork starts with the AMD’s first logic chips and ends with the AMD K5. These were the formative years for AMD. AMD evolved from being a small second source foundry to Intel’s main competitor. Although it displayed thought leadership in some microprocessing areas, AMD was viewed as a “me too” company until it parted ways with Intel with the AMD K5. The K stood for Kryptonite (against Intel). The background is an image of the AMD 2901 computer chip. Each of the chips are AMD and fully functional. Here is a list of the microprocessors used in this piece: AMD 9300, 9080, 2901, 8085, Z8002, 8088, 186, 286, 29030, 386, 486, and a K5.


The artwork is a 16"x20" in a black shadow box frame, with glass. All framing materials are acid-free. A narrative about the artwork that includes the artist’s signature is placed on the back of the artwork.

Please note:  The look of the artifacts in the artworks may vary, each piece is unique.